Our enterprise solutions that helps kids discover cultures and explore cities and communities all around the world.
Geowhiz offers your hotel, airline or travel advisors the ability to present destinations to kids and families prior to their arrival, during their visit and also after
they’ve departed.
Inform, Enhance, Expand
Through a unique virtual world and gamification platform, GeoWhiz helps the travel market connect with kids in the way they increasingly connect with media. By
leveraging our virtual world and gamification platform to tell the story of your destination (or your role in it), you can connect with your existing and target “audience”
in a way that invites them to become part of it. Since family, leisure or international travel typically is planned and purchased months before departure, there is a
unique opportunity to build awareness of amenities, products and services that the traveler will consume on arrival. GeoWhiz can help you extend the connection
beyond the “period of consumption” to the entire “travel timeline” (pre-arrival, arrival, post-arrival) and engage the traveler more frequently and longer through
interactive media that also can reinforce memories beyond the trip.
GeoWhiz Universe is an online world developed by entertainment and travel professionals who believe that travel has the power to connect, to educate, to inspire and
to transform.